يقوم MyHotelPMS بوابة دفع الفندق بمعالجة المدفوعات المباشرة من خلال المتصفح أو باستخدام بطاقة swiper. يتم تخزين بيانات الدفع الخاصة بك بأمان مع المعالج الخاص بك.

Back Office MyHotelPMS Back Office Manage your Hotels. Stockholm-icons / Shopping / ATM Created with Sketch.
Payment Gateway

Process live payments through the browser or using a card swiper. Your payment data is stored safely with your processor.

Stockholm-icons / Communication / Clipboard-list Created with Sketch.

Collect Deposits

Secure reservations made through your Booking Engine by taking a deposit. Only real bookings get through.

Stockholm-icons / Communication / Add-user Created with Sketch.

Stored Safely

Credit card data is tokenized and stored safely with your payment processor. Just click to process a payment.

Stockholm-icons / Shopping / ATM Created with Sketch.

Use a Card Swiper

Reservations via your Booking Engine include tokenized payment data. Use your Verifone card terminal for the rest.